Mindware Research Institute provides Viscovery SOMine license with user support for Quantitative Business Strategy Management.
The new approach to VISCOVER your data
Viscovery® SOMine® is a workflow-oriented software suite based on self-organizing maps (SOM) and multivariate statistics for explorative data mining and predictive modeling.
The system excels in intuitive user-guidance, mature implementation and a consistent focus on applications. Benefit from the unmatched compactness and elegance of Viscovery’s visual data representation.
General features of the system
- Project environment platform for goal-oriented operation
- Dedicated workflows that provide focused navigation
- Clear workflow steps with proven default settings
- Workflow branching allowing generation of model variations
- Functions for integrated documentation and annotation
- Multiple handling tools to facilitate usage
- Function for saving combinations of visible windows as “Arrangements”
- Comprehensive user manual, online help function and informative pop-ups throughout the system
Modular software configuration
SOMine’s modular architecture supports both business users and data scientists according to their growing needs.
- The minimum configuration of Viscovery SOMine consists of the Visual Explorer core module which includes the overall Viscovery SOMine platform functionality and the functionality of the Visual Explorer module.
- For advanced exploration and modeling, the Cluster and Classify and Predict and Score extension modules are available.
- The Enterprise Data extension module provides enhanced features for data import and handling, as well as for the analyses of very high-dimensional and voluminous data.
- Each workflow can be automated using the corresponding Workflow Automation Service, which is available as part of an additional package.
Software licensing
The Viscovery SOMine suite can be flexibly licensed in different ways. Each modular software configuration is available as
- Annual term licenses (which include minor updates for one year) or perpetual licenses
- Single-user licenses or network licenses for multi-usage in local networks
You can purchase annual, single-user term licenses directly on this website. Term licenses begin at the day of delivery and end automatically after one year.
For the other license options, please contact our sales team at sales@viscovery.co.jp.
Recommended workstation configuration
Viscovery SOMine can be operated on standard computers under Windows 10 or newer.
- 3 GHz CPU and 8 GB RAM (minimum 1.5 GHz/2 GB)
- 64 bit OS (32 bit available)
- Full HD graphics or higher (minimum 1280×800)
- Available disk space should be 10 times the size of the analyzed data
License grades
Viscovery SOMine Visual Explorer (English version)
Visual Explorer is the core module of the Viscovery SOMine suite. It can be operated as a stand-alone system, as well as be flexibly extended with other modules of the suite.
The two basic Preprocess Data and Explore Data workflows are available; the first guiding the user through data import and preprocessing, the latter through the creation and exploration of the SOM model.
Data sets with up to 100,000 records and up to 100 variables can be processed.
In addition to the capabilities listed in the Viscovery SOMine page, Visual Explorer provides all basic tools for SOM creation and visualization, interactive exploration, and visual cluster analysis.
Main functions and features
- Multiple data preprocessing capabilities
- Definition and automatic management of nominal variables
- Tools for adjustment of histograms
- Creation of self-organizing map models using predefined schedules
- Interactive SOM visualization and exploration
- Visual cluster analysis with integrated visualization of cluster boundaries and inner structures
- Display of thumbnails from external documents over the map window
- Statistical functions, such as descriptive statistics, histograms, correlations, PCA, and scatter plots
- Cross-references to original data
Viscovery SOMine Cluster and Classify (English version) for Academic/Freelance
Cluster and Classify is an extension module of the Viscovery SOMine suite. It requires the Visual Explorer core module and can optionally be combined with other modules of the suite.
The module provides multiple features for advanced exploration of the self-organizing map (SOM) model and for the interactive definition of alternative cluster models. In addition to the Create Classifier workflow, the Apply Classifier workflow guides the user through the application of classifiers to new data and the evaluation of classification results in comparison to control groups.
Main functions and features
- Group profiling and comparison
- Interactive data statistics for arbitrary map regions
- Exploration of cluster characteristics
- Interactive definition and annotation of cluster models
- System state monitoring
- Creation of multiple classifiers with post-processing formulas
- Application of classifiers to new data and export of classification results
- Visualization and evaluation of classification results
Viscovery SOMine Cluster and Classify + Enterprise Data (English version)
Enterprise Data is an extension module of the Viscovery SOMine suite. It requires the Visual Explorer core module and can optionally be combined with other modules of the suite.
This module provides features to connect with enterprise data sources, to handle very high-dimensional data and to support the work process in complex analysis projects.
The module enables processing of data sets with an unlimited number of records and variables in the complete suite.
Main functions and features
- Database connectivity
- Additional data interfaces, such as XML and SPSS files
- Join functionality
- Random sampling of large data sets
- Multiple testing correction for high-dimensional data
- Data mart export with replacement options
- Specification of variable definitions in a preprocessing protocol
- Import and export of preprocessing settings from/to a spreadsheet document
Viscovery SOMine Predict and Score (English version)
Predict and Score is an extension module of the Viscovery SOMine suite. It requires the Visual Explorer core module and can optionally be combined with other modules of the suite.
The module provides two additional workflows: the Create Predictor workflow guides the user through the creation and validation of linear and non-linear prediction models, the Apply Predictor workflow through the definition and application of scoring models to new data and through the evaluation of scoring results in comparison to control groups.
Main functions and features
- Linear multivariate regression models with detailed model statistics
- Local regressions over self-organizing map (SOM) “receptive fields” to resolve non-linearities
- Visualization of local model statistics and non-linearity diagnostics
- Administration of data partitioning into training and test sets
- Graphical validation and comparison of created models
- Interactive definition of score groups and objective functions
- Application of scoring models to new data and export of scoring results
- Visualization and evaluation of application results using score charts and gains charts
The patented Local SOM Prediction technology combines the non-linear data representation of the SOM with linear regression “white-box” models, designed for explaining residual variance in the global linear model.
Viscovery SOMine Cluster and Classify + Predict and Score + Enterprise Data (English version)